Monday, March 30, 2020

Using Catch Phrases to Develop Them

Using Catch Phrases to Develop ThemOne of the challenges of tutoring is having the ability to establish catch phrases that communicate your understanding of the subject matter being studied. People who can read and write are not always so good at saying 'don't,' or even 'maybe.' Some people find it hard to catch their own name when they say it correctly. Here are some of the ways I've found to help me create catch phrases that people can use and eventually use themselves.The first way is to try and make the whole session about the material. It is not the teacher's job to make students understand. When we need to go back to something, that is going to be part of the learning process.The second way is to use certain words in a sentence to highlight a concept. An example might be 'the dog is wearing a shirt.' In this case, the use of certain words is what will help make the listener understand the concept of what you are saying. If the listener looks at that word and then continues with the rest of the sentence, they will be able to see how they can relate that word to something they are interested in, like dogs or shirts.The third way is to come up with catch phrases, rather than make the students work to figure out which one to use. 'For instance,' is an example of a catch phrase. Another would be, 'you said you don't like onions.' These are simple phrases that people could probably use and use on a daily basis, as they are something people are used to hearing.This is one easy phrase that is used for many reasons. Many children have a habit of repeating what someone says over again. In addition, some people will repeat what someone else has said several times to be sure they get it right. The person may also become better at aword or concept by thinking about the ideas and repeating them to make sure they really know what they are talking about.There are many forms of catch phrases that are not necessarily spoken. For example, in a home, a child might say 'pleas e' often. Sometimes children make sure everyone hears them by saying 'please' in their minds, or making sure someone else hears them. And of course, when they are really getting into trouble, they will yell 'please!'I love to watch people when they use good catch phrases. I love to see when a student is really getting things across. I also love to see them continue to hear their catch phrases and still believe in them. We all have our weaknesses, and those are the things we strive to correct through our tutoring sessions.There are many ways to correct students and get their attention, but having a good vocabulary and a strong grasp of the subject matter is what makes catch phrases effective. And when the phrase 'catch phrases' is added to the end of the subject, it makes a nice, easy, everyday phrase.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Language Level Classification Systems for Savvy Learners

4 Language Level Classification Systems for Savvy Learners 4 Language Level Classification Systems for Savvy Learners Classifications may seem kind of stuffy.Nerdy, even.But theyre super important.Theyre used to distinguish between different animal species.Theyre used to organize libraries so you can find your favorite book easily.Heck, theyre even used to declare your relationship status on social media.But classification doesnt need to be some boring means of grouping similar things together. In fact, it can actually be fun, helpful and a real game changer. Especially if what youre classifying is your language skills.There are many classification systems that group together characteristics of certain levels of language learner. Like  proficiency tests, these classification systems aim to give you an approximation of your skill level.While  most of these require a formal exam to get an official score, you can generally guess your level based on category descriptions. Not only is this fun, its instant gratificationâ€"its tremendously satisfying to have a clear idea of where your language skills rank according to a universal standard.So its time to get class(ification)y with your language learning! What Language Level Classifications Can Do for YouUnderstanding language level classifications gives you a way to describe your language proficiency. When speaking to other language learners, it can be hard to describe your skill level. Properly describing your language level is even more essential when applying for  jobs that require a foreign language  or trying to earn  side money from your language skills.Beginner, intermediate and advanced seem overly vague, and everyone will understand them differently. However, if you know levels as described by common standards, youll much more easily be able to convey what level youre presently at.Additionally, understanding established language levels will give you a way to understand your level of proficiency. Without guidelines, it can be difficult to guess what level you might be at. You could easily overestimate or underestimate your skills.However, familiarizing yourself with common classifications will give you a more realistic idea of your skill level, which can help you select materials, like language learning websites  and  language textbooks, that are appropriate for you.Finally, knowing more about level classifications will help give you direction for what you need to work on. By looking at your level and the next level up, you can see what additional skills youll need to level up. This gives you a clear idea of what you should work on next.4 Language Level Classification Systems for Savvy LearnersAmerican Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency GuidelinesThe ACTFL is an organization of language educators dedicated to improving language education. Its proficiency guidelines are designed as a clear way to classify language skills. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines are divided between four different skills. Under ACTFL guidelines, you may very well have different levels for different ski lls.To assess your skill level, you can look through each set of guidelines in the document linked above. Each level lists clear criteria for speaking, writing, listening  and reading. Youll undoubtedly notice some traits listed under each skill that clearly correspond to your own proficiency level.Heres a brief description of the levels:Novice  LowAt this level you may be able to greet people, introduce yourself or count in your target language. In reading and listening, you may also recognize a handful of words. However, you cant do much else.MidWhen speaking or writing, you offer only brief responses, often only a few words, and must pause frequently to consider your responses.When reading or listening, you can pick out a few phrases.HighYou can ask and answer simple questions based mostly on memorized phrases.When reading or listening, you can understand key words and phrases.Intermediate  LowAt this level, you can communicate in a limited number of straightforward situations. Y ou can share personal information, order food and communicate other basic survival information. Your responses often show hesitation.When speaking, there will be frequent misunderstandings.MidYou can handle simple, straightforward communication. You do best with very predictable conversations and contexts and may struggle with topics that are less familiar.At this level, you can also combine words and phrases to form meaning rather than relying on memorized scripts.HighYou can communicate about routine, common topics. You can occasionally handle advanced tasks.AdvancedLowYou can communicate on common topics like school, work and hobbies.You can discuss all time frames. However, your responses are usually limited to a paragraph.You have several grammatical issues but can usually communicate with native speakers (albeit with some difficulty).MidAt this level, you can communicate with ease and flow.While your vocabulary is usually limited to generic terms, its relatively substantial.Hi ghYou can communicate with ease and can discuss any time frame.While you can often discuss things as well as superior learners, there are some topics you cant discuss.You often still have grammar and vocabulary limitations but are usually skilled at compensating for these issues.SuperiorYou can communicate accurately. A few sporadic errors may still occur, but the overall meaning remains clear.You can speak or write comfortably on a wide variety of topics.DistinguishedAt this level, youre very skilled and errors are minimal.Youre highly articulate and can communicate abstract concepts in speech or writing. Youre also able to communicate comfortably in formal or informal settings.Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, CEF or CEFRL)The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (which can be abbreviated CEFR, CEF or CEFRL) was developed by the Council of Europe as a method for assessing skill levels in languages across Europe. However, the framework is i ncreasingly used outside of Europe as well.To use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to your advantage, you can read through its Can Do statements that describe key skills (provided on page 26-27 of the document or page 35-36 of the PDF). If you answer yes, you may be at that level.Keep reading the Can Do statements for the next level up until you answer no in order to determine your level.Heres a brief description of the levels:A Basic userA1 Breakthrough or beginnerYoure comfortable with everyday expressions.A2 Waystage or elementaryYoure comfortable discussing routine information and basic topics like shopping, work, etc.B Independent userB1 Threshold or intermediateYoure able to understand main points in conversations related to common things like work, hobbies, etc. You can also communicate most basic information you would need to in a travel setting.B2 Vantage or upper intermediate  You can understand some more complex, abstract topics. You can also interact comfortably with native speakers.C Proficient userC1 Effective operational proficiency or advancedYou can express yourself without having to pause frequently. You also understand longer, more complex phrases and can use your language skills in professional, academic or social situations.C2 Mastery or proficiencyYou can communicate easily and spontaneously and can summarize information. You can also easily understand nearly anything you encounter.Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)Canadian Language Benchmarks are primarily used to assess the French and English skills of prospective immigrants to Canada. However, the  helpful category breakdowns and self-assessment can help you get a better idea of what level youre at in any language.Canadian Language Benchmarks features 12 numbered levels divided between three stages. Like with the ACTFL Guidelines, under this classification system, you may very well be at different levels for reading, speaking, writing and listening.Unli ke with the other classification systems on this list, the levels arent named or sub-divided into standard levels. The criteria for each skill and level are separated into their own documents at the links below:Level 1  Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10Level 11Level 12To assess your level based on these standards, all you have to do is review Can Do Statements.  When you click on the page for a specific level, youll see four icons that correspond to the four skillsâ€"each one will take you to a PDF with Can Do Statements and examples with images. If you find you answer yes to all the statements on the first level, try moving on to the second level. Once you can no longer say yes, youll know your level.(You can also access all the levels in a single PDF.)Depending on your level of proficiency, you may want to try estimating a better starting point. If you feel like youre already at a moderately good level of communication and understanding (or higher) y ou may want to start around Level 5 or 6 and gauge things from there.Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) ScaleILR is a federal organization that focuses on language-related issues. It provides a scale to judge proficiency level. The scale is divided between six basic levels, though additional subdivision is made to indicate particularly advanced skills within each level. The scale has separate classifications for reading, writing, listening and speaking.You can look at the scale to guess your level, but ILR also provides free self-assessment for speaking, reading and listening. You score yourself by answering basic yes or no questions about your skills.Here are the basic categories:0 No ProficiencyAt the lowest level of this classification, you have no proficiency. Higher levels have memorized some words or phrases.1 Elementary ProficiencyYou can read and write simple text. You can also understand and use survival phrases and hold very basic conversations with native speakers.2 Limited Working ProficiencyYou can get the gist of text, though you might not know all the words. You can also write basic material, but you might have to rephrase things to make up for limited vocabulary. Additionally, you can engage in limited social or work-related conversations.3 General Professional ProficiencyYou can understand written material, even on unfamiliar topics. You can also write formally or informally on a wide variety of topics. While you may still have some errors, you can hold conversations and communicate professionally.4 Advanced Professional ProficiencyIn reading and listening, you can understand nuance. In writing and speaking, mistakes are rare.5 Functionally Native ProficiencyAt this level, youre similarly proficient to a well-educated native speaker in all areas.Whether youre looking to describe your language level, boost your skills or simply have a nerdy good time, look no further than these language level classification systems!

Revolution In Resolution Why So Many Pixels

Revolution In Resolution Why So Many Pixels Image from What is 4K? According to, 4K or ultra high definition denotes the resolution being four times higher than that of typical high definition screens.  This leads to greater detail and better quality picture.  Unfortunately, technology giveth and technology taketh away! With all the extra detail, 4K streaming requires more bandwidth and storage space that most software cannot support at this time.  The major companies want to dive into the deep end of the technological pool without filling it with water.  Yes, there is very little availability to take advantage of all those extra pixels, but before the software becomes up-to-date the hardware must be glitch free.  Theyre building an infrastructure to survive this massive pixel tsunami heading for family living rooms. Is this going to be another fad like 3D? Thankfully, not in the slightest.  Unlike 3D, 4K actually exists for a reason.  More pixels mean better clarity that does not dwindle with an increase in screen size.  Digital photographers typically view their images on an HD screen.  4K exposes small nuances in images previously unseen in regular HD systems.  The viewing of sports will forever be changed once this technology seeps into broadcasting.  Small close up shots will not be needed; players facial expressions can be seen from across the field. How much is one of these new newfangled TVs going to cost? At the moment, prices hover around the $2,000-$3,000 range.  Samsung offers a 55 ridiculously thin one that is on for $2,300.   Not all are that relatively well priced, though.  Sonys KD-84X9005 retails for north of $20,000.  Yes, you read correctly.  $24,999.99 to be exact.  Granted, the TV is absolutely massive, at a whopping 84.  Unless youre on Pimp My Ride with a 1987 Chevy Astro, I have no idea why youd need a TV that big. Forget that, Ill stick with my plasma TV. Smart decision, at least for now.  It wont be long into the second quarter of 2014 until prices for these digitized displays start dropping.  At the moment, the only players in the 4K game are Sony, Panasonic, LG, and Samsung.  Buying a 4K TV right now will increase the quality of regular BlueRay discs and digital photographs, but will not be fully supported with content until later in the year. Image from But seriously, why should I bother? Some may argue that with the technology currently available, publicly available or not, 4K will be the pinnacle of screen displays.  Quite unsurprisingly enough, development of the next revolution has already taken shape. Japan broadcaster NHK successfully completed a stream in 8K, also known as Super Hi Vision.  Back in 2012, they attempted to record the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics.  A year later, NHK released the first short film Beauties A La Carte recorded using this technology. 8K will not be released for a while.  The smallest size TV for the full 8K experience is 84 with 4K being 55.  Wanting to be insanely ahead of the curve, Japans NHK aims for a public broadcast date of 2016.  Will the madness ever end? The days of lousy high definition are finally coming to a close!  Technologys future continues to exponentially grow in possibilities.  With the developing world continuing to tear itself apart, a question of necessity arises in the race to better resolution.  Why should we as a society be pushing the envelope further while Syria, Turkey, Phillipines, and most recently Kiev and Venezuela become war zones?  A percentage of 8K research effort and money spent could easily be utilized elsewhere.  As plausible as the question remains, thats an article for another day. The progression of technology is way beyond our control.  All this just to see rain droplets fall from Kate Uptons hair more clearly?  Wait, this doesnt seem too bad after all.  I wonder how the Victoria Secret Fashion Show would look in 8K?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Get A Head Start in Chemistry

Get A Head Start in ChemistryCDO Chemistry in the third edition has been created by leading world-renowned authors and scholars. They have strived to recreate the earlier, more exciting atmosphere of early chemistry by writing a new series of high quality books that teach fundamental principles of Chemistry in an exciting and inspiring manner.This unique approach of teaching and illustrating methods in the book helps all students from novice to advanced student to take up Chemistry. This has resulted in the widely successful textbook gaining widespread popularity across various countries in the field of Education. The students take pleasure in being able to understand the books in an interactive manner and then applying the learned concepts in their own research work.One would be amazed to find how CDO has evolved from the former CDS to what it is today. The great contributions made by these renowned authors and renowned scientists and teachers have enabled the book to earn high mark s from the literature of the field of Chemistry. They have included many new innovations and teachings to boost up the popularity of the books.The new additions made to the CDO book have ensured that the practical aspects of Chemistry is covered in an informative manner. They make use of the latest technology that ensures an interactive understanding of the concepts. The books present a platform for the students to learn and understand chemistry at their own pace.Another point in CDO that has come as a boon to the author is that the students who are studying Chemistry for the first time are found to be studying Chemistry with ease because of the fact that they learn the concepts with interactive teaching. There are plenty of online tests that can be taken to gauge the progress of students on different subjects. If one of them scores well, it proves to be beneficial for the student in the long run.The CDO book teaches Chemistry to a multitude of students who study Chemistry for the f irst time find it easy to understand the concepts. There are more than one hundred students in every class and yet there is not even a single instance of the students struggling for knowledge.It is hoped that students taking up Chemicals will take the advantage of the books and other resources made available by the book publishers in CDs to avail the same. These resources have been created to provide the best way of getting acquainted with the new tools and techniques used in Chemistry.

Finding a Los Angeles Computer Tutor

Finding a Los Angeles Computer TutorLos Angeles is a very popular city in the world and it's not surprising that there are lots of websites offering computer tutors to help out with the education of your child. There are many aspects to this kind of help but one thing that is common amongst all the websites are the great deal they will get for you. This article will outline some of the areas that you should look out for when hiring a tutor and will also reveal some other ways that you can make a little extra money when you are working from home.One of the main concerns that you should have when thinking about whether or not to use a Los Angeles computer tutor is how much time you have and whether or not you can really afford to use one. Luckily, most tutors will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the price per session that you will pay and, even if they don't, they should be willing to take it down so that you can make sure that you are getting an accurate quote.Of course, you will need to know whether or not they are based in Los Angeles. It can be difficult to understand the language of some people from other parts of the country but you should be able to find out whether the tutor is based in Los Angeles through their website. A good tutor should be able to provide you with a map that gives you their exact location so that you can check it out on your own before you commit to hiring them.You will need to decide whether or not you want to use a California or International computer tutor. Most of the time, tutors based in the state will charge a bit more because the place is more expensive and therefore more expensive to use. It is worth spending a bit of time trying to find out the cheapest prices on the tutors you want so that you can find a good quality Los Angeles computer tutor that suits your needs.You will need to consider how much you want to spend on equipment when you are taking your child to LA. A tutor can be expensive and you will need to co nsider how much you can afford to pay for the equipment that they will use with your child. If you can afford to hire your child to take a class on their own in the hope that you can help them along later, then you should find that you will save money by letting them use their own equipment.In the end, finding cheap Los Angeles tutors can be tricky because it will be hard to find someone that won't charge a little bit more than you can afford. The best thing that you can do is to look for a computer tutor that is willing to work on an hourly basis, a fee structure that works well for you, and that doesn't have any expiry dates on their agreement.Finally, you need to remember that it will be more cost effective to use a Los Angeles computer tutor that offers a small fee to use their class rather than to keep everything in the household. That way, you will be saving yourself a lot of money, your kids will have fun and have the chance to learn at their own pace, and you will still get the support you need for your children to excel in school.

Studying in Spain

Studying in Spain The Guide to Studying in a Spanish-speaking Country ChaptersWhat Are the Administrative Steps to Studying in Spain?Heading to Spain Thanks to ErasmusWhich Spanish University Should You Choose?Some Essential Information for Studying in Spain“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” - Aldous HuxleyAccording to the European Commission, 27% of Erasmus students met their current partner during their time abroad.Do you think you’ll find the one in Spain?Only time will tell. Before we get ahead of ourselves, you should find out more about choosing a university and embarking on an exchange programme.Fortunately for you, Superprof has put together this guide for your time at a Spanish university.If you want to study abroad in Spain as an undergraduate, postgraduate, an international student for an academic year, or on an intensive language and culture programme, here's how to go abroad, enrol on a programme, and improve your Spanish language skills. TadeoSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Disco ver all our tutors AnnickSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeterSpanish Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MartaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SharonSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TanyaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Jose manuelSpanish Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are the Administrative Steps to Studying in Spain?After your A Levels, you could study directly at a Spanish university. As it stands, members of the EU don’t need a visa to study in Spain and have a better choice when it comes to scholarships than those trying to get their education abroad and aren't from one of these countries.If you want to get an Erasmus grant, you'll need to be motivated. (Source: Free-Photos)That doesn’t mean there a ren’t procedures you need to follow. There are certain requirements for living in Spain:Enrollment in a Spanish university.Sufficient resourcesHealth insuranceStep 1: Get Your Credencial de AccesoTo enrol in a Spanish university, you’ll need to get your “credencial de acceso”. This is a confirmation of your A-Level results in the UK. You need to do this at the UNED and it costs €105.If you’ve already graduated from a UK university, you could continue via Erasmus+ by asking for the equivalent of your qualifications directly from the Spanish Ministry of Education.Step 2: Register with the Local AuthoritiesIf you’re staying for less than 3 months, you don’t need to do anything. Otherwise, you’ll need to register at the town hall or the police.A confirmation will be sent immediately, allowing you to stay in the country. You don’t need to renew this but it is a good idea to keep it on you at all times. You may be asked for it and not having it can be subject to a fine .Registration costs €11.Step 3: Get Your NIE (Foreigner Identification Number)Once you’ve got your confirmation, you can get your NIE which will allow you to open a bank account, get travel cards, phone contracts, internet, contract water or electricity, etc.Heading to Spain Thanks to ErasmusSpain is one of the most popular countries for students on Erasmus. The exchange programme allows anyone from the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, or Turkey, to study or do an internship in another country in the European Union.A lot of UK universities have partnerships with Spanish universities meaning that you're spoilt for choice when it comes to where you can study. (Source: 12019)For Erasmus+, there are more steps and you’ll probably need to spend at least a year putting your application together to ensure that you’ll be accepted.Step 1: Attend the Erasmus Meeting at Your UniversityWhen you get to university, you should find out about any Erasmus meetings you should be attending. If you're thinking “why study abroad?”, an advisor can help you find more about international education, spending a summer abroad, or getting international experience.It doesn't matter whether you study humanities or sciences, you can study your main subject while getting language courses alongside your studies and these language courses can give you academic credit towards your degree.There may be several to ensure that a student’s application is correct.Step 2: Head to the International OfficeIf there aren’t any meetings planned, you should head to the international office at your university.You should be able to find out about applying, partner universities, how many places are available, etc.  You’ll require several documents:A cover letter in English and sometimes in SpanishAn application for an Erasmus scholarshipA letter of recommendation from teachersA transcript of your resultsStep 3: Writing Your Cover LetterThe most important s tep is your cover letter.  Remember that the main goals of the Erasmus programme are to:Study in a universityParticipate in practical training to develop personal skills and linguistic skills in a Spanish businessKeep this in mind when you’re writing your cover letter. Your cover letter for Erasmus should follow the same structure as a cover letter for a job. It needs to be concise (1 page), including an introduction, your background, your arguments, and a conclusion.You may have several arguments and you might want to express your willingness to learn the Spanish language, to study in a different environment, find out more about the working world abroad, or to live in Spain. You may also want to mention that you want to gain practical skills to help your career prospects. Don’t hesitate to mention that you want to learn more about Spanish culture and the rest of the world.Step 4: Send the Documents and Scholarship RequestNow all you have to do is send your application off and w ait for the reply. Don’t hesitate to regularly check up on how it’s doing.Which Spanish University Should You Choose?For studying abroad, you need to choose whether or not you want to study at a university, engineering school, or art school.It's not always a holiday but you can enjoy a lot of the major aspects of Spanish life. (Source: MarciMarc105)Three of the top 500 universities are Spanish.  That said, popularity shouldn’t be your only criterion.Step 1: Choose the City in SpainBefore you choose your university in Spain, you should think about which Spanish city or town you’d like to live in. If you’re going to spend at least a semester somewhere, you should probably pick somewhere that you’ll enjoy going to. You might want somewhere close to the sea or a student town.  There are plenty of cities in Spain and there are a number of criteria to consider:The cost of accommodationThe quality of lifeCultural dynamismThe cost of livingThe quality of university infrastructur eThe most popular cities include Madrid, Seville, and Barcelona, while the most popular university is the University of Granada.Step 2: Choose Your UniversityTo choose your university, you can pick from popular universities or prestigious universities. The 10 Spanish universities found in the 2018 rankings for the top 500 universities in the world include:University of BarcelonaUniversidad Complutense - MadridUniversity Pompeu Fabra BarcelonaUniversity of GranadaAutonomous University of BarcelonaAutonomous University of MadridThe University of the Basque CountryPolytechnic University of ValenciaUniversity of SantiagoUniversity of ValenciaHowever, the better the university, the more competition there’ll be for places. Make sure your application is good and your grades are even better.Not all of these universities are among the most popular. University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, the University of the Basque Country, and the University of Santiago aren’t the most requested. On the oth er hand, the University of Seville and the University of Salamanca are.Step 3: Visit Your Future HomeThe best way to choose where you want to live and study is by going there to visit.  You’ll be able to get a better idea of whether or not the place is right for you.Some Essential Information for Studying in SpainSpending time in Spain means that you’ll have to adapt to another country and its customs.Spanish food doesn't take much getting used to! (Source: EstudioWebDoce)You may need to do a language level test in order to attend a university. In Spain, Spanish is spoken, even in universities. It’s unlikely that you’ll find classes in English. International students often choose Spain because of the Mediterranean lifestyle and the cheap cost of living. While the minimum wage is a little over €800, this is appropriate to the cost of living.In Spain, you don’t need to be that formal with your teachers at university and you can probably call them by their first name. Simil arly, classes are quite informal and discussion and debate are often encouraged.In Spain, you’ll also need to get used to the food. Each region has its own specialities but one thing that most places will have is tapas. Spanish cuisine is very rich.A siesta may be recommended, especially when some students are just heading to clubs at two in the morning and classes start before nine!There’s also the tuition fees to consider. That said, you can't really put a price on how much you'll learn through cross-cultural immersion. Also, there are study abroad scholarships and the opportunity to intern abroad.Ready to start thinking about studying in Spain?

What is it Like to Attend Rutgers University

What is it Like to Attend Rutgers University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Nida graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelors degree in Journalism and Mass Media. She is an Austin tutor who specializes in Essay Editing tutoring, Reading tutoring, Grammar and Mechanics tutoring, and more. Check out her review of her alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Nida: Rutgers University (New Brunswick,NJ) is a huge campus spanning two towns (New Brunswick and Piscataway) and divided into five college campuses (College Ave, Busch, Livingston, Douglass, Cook). The college is very safe and provides bus transportation within and between campuses. Having a car is a plus, but you will need to pay for a parking permit and spend some extra time every day looking for parking. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Nida: Although Rutgers is a large university consisting of 44,000 undergraduates, the professors and teaching assistants are always available during their office hours, or outside of office hours by appointment. Academic advisers are available on a walk-in basis during office hours. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Nida: Dorm life at Rutgers is so much fun! Every campus has its own character. College Ave is the most lively campus, with dorms in close proximity to Greek life, grease trucks, several other dining options, as well as off-campus shops and cafes. Busch/Livingston campus is more sprawled out and quieter, and dorms there can really become a home away from home. Cook/Douglass campus feels more like youre in a beautiful countryside location. It is also larger and more self-contained. There are dining halls on every campus with a delicious variety of food; itll be easy to gain that Freshman 15! My personal favorite of all the campuses is College Ave. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Nida: Rutgers is a research university, so one might think the Sciences and Social Sciences are best represented and supported. But Humanities also have a strong presence here. I studied Journalism and Mass Media at the School of Communication and Information, and felt that there was a lot of support and resources for my particular area. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Nida: Its not easy to meet people as a freshman if youre shy, like me. But if youre willing to put yourself out there a bit, and realize that everyones in the same boat as you, youll have no trouble meeting lots of new people. One of the best things about student life at Rutgers is its diversity, with students from all over the world and belonging to so many different racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. There is a significant Greek life at Rutgers, but I wasnt part of it. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Nida: The Career Center is extremely helpful, even to alumni like me, after all these years. Many reputable companies recruit on campus such as Johnson Johnson, Verizon Wireless, Merck, Bristol Meyers Squibb, and many others. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Nida: There are many libraries, dorm lounges, quiet rooms, and student centers at Rutgers. You can always find a space to sit down and relax, study, or have meetings/conferences with other students. The hardest times to find space are during exam weeks, but then other study halls that arent normally available to students after hours, become available. Some places I loved to study: Alexander Library, ARC Computer Lab, and the Quiet Room at the Busch Student Center. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Nida: Downtown New Brunswick has a few options to entertain oneself, but I did used to wish it were bigger and more diverse. There are some great cafes and restaurants (Harvest Moon, Old Man Raffertys, Tumultys). It has a dynamic theater life (George Street Playhouse, State Theater, Stress-Free Comedy Club). There are a few dance clubs, as well (Perle, Platinum). But the best thing about New Brunswick is the fact that its a 50-minute train ride to New York City. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Nida: In the early years (freshman, sophomore), class size is big. Size also depends on the popularity of the class, so an Intro to Biology class can be as big as 500 students in a massive lecture hall and the professor speaking through a microphone, or an Intro to Political Science class can be 100 students packed into a big classroom. As you get older and more specialized in your area of study, class size becomes smaller. I had about 20-30 students in my Senior Journalism classes. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Nida: One of my most memorable experiences was with my professor of Creative Writing. She conducted one-on-one conferences with students, even though it was an Intro course. It was during one of these conferences that she shared with me just how talented she thought I was and planted the seeds in my mind of pursuing an MFA in Fiction Writing. Check out Nidas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.